You have all heard about the devastation that hurricane Matthew caused in Haiti. We are very thankful to inform you that everyone at the Beyond Relief Trade School is safe and no damage was done to the school. The people in south Haiti are suffering a huge loss of loved ones as well as most of their property and possessions. If you can help in any way, please help as they recover after another tragedy.

Citadel painting

Sendy Jean Paul
Our director, Mackel, has been personally impacted. His mother, who lives in Gonaives, has major damage to her house due to the hurricane. Beyond Relief would like to help her by selling a painting from one of the trade school’s art graduates. Sendy Jean Paul has painted a beautiful painting of the citadel in Cap-Haitian. 100% of the money will go to rebuild Mackel’s mother’s house. We have it listed on eBay. If you are interested, please visit email and make a bid. Here is a link:
Thank you for your help and your prayers!