Dear Friends and Family,

We recently had the opportunity to visit Haiti, and our hearts are so full of joy after seeing how God continues to use the Beyond Relief Trade School! Christy Bucher, David, and I were blessed to spend a week in Haiti during this trip. Additionally we were pleased that board member Fleumingue Jean-Mary and his wife, Enency, were able to make a short visit to Saint Louis du Nord to attend graduation and see the construction.

Construction July 2015

Construction July 2015

As soon as we arrived in Saint Louis du Nord, we couldn’t wait to go see how construction on the new building had progressed. Walking down the dirt road, we began to see the security wall that protects our quarter of an acre of land and were surprised at how BIG the wall is. We then walked to the east wall where the gate is, filled with anticipation as Mackel unlocked the gate so we could go in. Walking in and seeing everything that has been built so far blew us away! Only five short months before, David and I stood on that ground trying to envision how in the world we were ever going to construct a school building in time for classes to start in the fall. Now we can see this vision taking shape.

To date, approximately $75,000 has been spent on the construction. The security wall, storage building, generator building, director’s house and the classroom foundation are nearing completion. However, work has to slow down because we don’t have the money to keep going. We would like to complete the office and computer classroom and put up temporary walls for the other 4 classes before school starts in October. This temporary arrangement will take another $25,000. Alternatively, if we can raise $125,000 we will be able to finish all 5 classrooms as well as the men’s and women’s bathrooms.

The Beyond Relief International Ministries board, the trade school teachers, the staff and students, and the Saint Louis du Nord community are so grateful for everyone who has contributed to this huge project. But we aren’t even halfway there yet. Contributions are needed immediately so the construction can continue and classes can start in the fall. Please consider giving $100, $500 or $1,000 for the building campaign. Or if you are in need of alternative giving options, visit for multiple quick give options as well as a way to set up recurring donations to meet your personal budget needs.

Graduation July 2015

Graduation July 2015

The excitement we experienced at seeing the construction and thinking about what this means for the trade school’s future is one thing, but there was an even greater level of excitement as we watched the 54 graduates walk in for It brought tears to my eyes as I thought about how each of those lives would be changed because they were given the opportunity to learn a vocational skill. Many students have expressed how grateful they are to have the opportunity to attend a trade school and that they would not have been able to do so if the Beyond Relief Trade School didn’t exist.

Please take the time NOW to go to the following site where you can see videos of the construction and of the procession at graduation. (

We give thanks to God for the many lives that the Beyond Relief Trade School has been able to touch in its 4 short years of existence. We also thank you for your support, both financially and in prayer. YOU are making a difference in more lives than you will ever know! We look forward to seeing what the 2015-2016 school year brings.

With much thanks,

Rita Kuntz
Executive Director