It is almost 2020, but there are still 3 days left in 2019. If you would still like to give a contribution to Beyond Relief, it just has to be postmarked by December 31, 2019 to receive the tax deduction for 2019. We are so thankful for everyone that has contributed this year to help Beyond Relief! It just takes $40,000 (US) to keep the school running for 1 year and that $40,000 helps so many get sustainable vocational skills that allows them to make a decent income.
The 2018-2019 school year was a busy year. There were more than 400 students enrolled in all of the classes. The most popular class was tiling. It kept the teacher on his toes to work with a very full class. Over 200 students graduated and received there certificates. This is a huge difference from the first graduation in 2013 where there were 17 that graduated. We continue to stand in awe of what God is doing.

Graduation 2019 All the graduates

Sewing class 2019
The 2019-2020 school year started out with more challenges than usual. Haiti is experiencing major political unrest that has left most of the country with no gasoline, little food and a shortage of clean drinking water. Since Beyond Relief is in the Northwest part of Haiti and 150 miles from Port Au Prince, supplies have not been able to get up to that area. Due to major protests, people have not been able to go to Port Au Prince for any supplies. Because of the situation, it has made it very difficult for some of the students that registered for this school year to be able to make it to school. However, even though many of the schools have not been able to open, Beyond Relief started in September and have been able to hold classes every day they were scheduled. The teachers have been paid every month, which most teachers in the country haven’t been getting paid. Things are beginning to get better in the country so maybe life can get more back to normal. Please continue to pray for Haiti and the staff and students at Beyond Relief.
Happy New Year! We hope you have a great 2020 and may God bless you.