
October 2012 Newsletter

2012-10-30T12:19:48-04:00October 30th, 2012|

Year 2 Has Begun A new director, both 1st and 2ndyear level classes, new lab equipment for the plumbing, electrical, and art classes, and a new location.  These are just a few of the exciting changes for the second year of the Beyond Relief Trade School.  Jonathan Drake is the new American director on the [...]


March 2012 Newsletter

2012-03-30T12:09:34-04:00March 30th, 2012|

Seeing classes in action David and Rita Kuntz recently traveled to St. Louis du Nord, Haiti and were able to see a couple of the classes in session.  Though most of their time in Haiti was a national holiday for Carnival, they did get the chance to see the art class and the electrical class [...]

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